Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Vidin City Tour

As we walked to the Baba Vida Castle we passed the Theatre built in 1891 and the Royal Officers Club, both modern looking buildings. The Statue of Liberty has the nick name “Beauty, Guns and Roses” as the statue if located in a rose garden with the fort in the background.  Local legend says that Lady Liberty predicted the fall of communism when she fell off of her pedestal breaking her nose and arm.  They put her back together and back on her high pedestal and sure enough, communism fell in 1989.

The Baba Vida Castle was built as a fortification by the Romans, and was later added to by the Ottomans and then Bulgarians as noted by the various tiers of stone and brick.  It contains many rooms, dungeons, gallows, and  tunnels.

A Jewish Synagog was very recently restored and is now a cultural center.  Today there are only 10 Jews living in Vidin but during WWII there were 49,000, all of whom were saved from the Germans.

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