Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rousse aka Ruse City Tour

Rousse Bulgaria is the 5th largest city of Bulgaria and is located on the Danube across the river and not far from Bucharest.  This town is full of firsts for the country, such as the first bank, the first hotel with an elevator, the first hotel with hot, running water and the first home to show a cinema show.
During WWII Bulgaria was allied with Germany until the Russians marched through.  Unfortunately the Russians didn’t leave right away.  Bulgaria was under communist rule until 1989 and in 2007 they joined the EU.
An Orthodox Church of Bulgaria was built during the Ottoman rule when churches could not be taller than the Mosque so this church has one floor that is underground.  After the liberation from the Ottomans, towers were added to the building.

Many buildings were obviously built by the communists but places like the Opera House, the Theatre Building and court house gave the feel of some German communities thus the town is sometimes referred to as “Little Vienna”.

A short bus ride outside the city is a narrow canyon with high rock walls where a sect of Monks carved out rooms in the rock.  One particular large cave is covered with frescos that depict the life of Christ.  This room was probably were the monks would gather to socialize or pray together.

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