Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Tuesday was a fairly uneventful day except for the very rough seas.

We skipped a planned port and docked in Harstad where we walked around town and did a small bit of shopping.

Today the ocean is much calmer but there is still the threat of rain and low clouds.  We got a nice view of the city of Tromso by riding a gondola atop a mountain on the mainland.  Tromso is partly on the mainland, mostly on an island , which is what the name means, and partly on another island.  A 3.5 km tunnel and a bridge connects the city.  

An iconic feature of the city is The Arctic Cathedral, a Protestant church built to symbolize the North and the Light.  We are far enough north that they experience two months of no sunlight in the winter and endless daylight in the summer.

A university and hospital is the largest employer with 10% of the population of 77,000 working there and Tromso claims the most northern cathedral and the most northern McDonalds.

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