Monday, November 15, 2021

Travel Through Moab

Monday November 15 - In ancient times Jordan was inhabited by the Amorites, Edomites and the Moabites.  As Moses left the wilderness of the Sinai looking for the promised land, he passed through these areas.  He climbed Mt. Nero where he could see the Jordan River Valley and knew they had arrived.  It is believed this is where Moses struck a rock with his staff and water poured out.  Moses may also be buried in this area.
On our way to Mt. Nebo we stop in Madaba to visit St. George’s church where a map of Jordan, Syria and Israel is laid out in mosaics on the floor of the church. It is believed that the pilgrims used this map to find their way in the world. It was created in 7th century AD and found in 1864 on top of Mt Nebo in a Greek Orthodox Church.  The site was excavated in 1896 when they discovered several layers of mosaic covered floors.  Today they are protected by a modern building.
On our way to Karak we crossed a dam, Al Mujib, that held no water.  Dry as a bone. Karak is the largest city in southern Jordan with 225,000 people.  In 1121 AD the crusader’s built a castle here that is 7 floors tall and would hold 6000 people plus their cattle, homes, church, mosque, food and water.  It survived under siege for 3-1/2 years, and was added to and used by Muslims, Romans, Byzantians and British.    When Jerusalem fell, all castles eventually closed.

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