Thursday, July 12, 2018

Lighthouses & Gulf Waters

It wasn’t necessarily a long drive today but it seemed to take forever because of all the hills we had to go up and down.  Some were long but not steep and some were steep 15% grades but not long, but there were a lot of them.


The road followed the coastline most of the time so we saw lots of lighthouses but only stopped a two because of parking issues.The La Martre Lighthouse was probably the prettiest one we saw with a wonderful view of the shoreline.  The next one was called Rivière-au-Tonnerre and was pretty basic but there were several of the old buildings still around which made for a picturesque scene.P1040035


Every once in a while we would crest a hill and come upon a breathtaking site of mountains or Gulf of St. Laurence coast.  We passed several trailheads for the Forillon National Park which has us excited about a good hike coming up.

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