Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Independence Pass


Our view from the campsite this morning included some white stuff.

As we drove through Twin Lakes town this morning, we saw the funniest thing!  On the eastern edge of town they have placed a speed warning sign that blinks furiously if you are going over 30 mph but on the west edge of town they have placed an old police car on the side of the road.  At a quick glance, it appears to be a speed trap but on closer inspection it is just a naked dummy in the driver’s seat!

The drive up Independence pass to the 12,200 foot continental divide has spectacular scenery surrounding the squirrelly road.  The driver (John) does not get to see much unless he pulls over and stops, which he did several times.  He also drove slowly so he could try to see some of the mountain sides covered in boulders, golden aspen, yellowing willow bushes and deep green pine trees. We searched diligently for wild animals but did not see any. At the top, above the tree line,  it was very windy and cold but we got out of the car a walked up the path to the scenic overlook.  What a view!


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The drive down from 12,200 to around 9500 foot elevation took over 15 miles of twisting and turning, hairpin curves and narrow, narrow road. We ended up in Aspen where we shopped downtown, ate a delightful lunch and then tried to find some of the other ski areas besides Aspen Highlands. One of our stops in town was at the Hotel Jerome where John and his skiing buddies ate a very expensive dinner years ago - the bill had a comma in it!

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Our drive back over the pass was less spectacular as clouds had moved in and obscured the view as well as dumping rain on top of us. By the time we got to the campsite, the sun was shining and the wind had died down.  It was a great evening for a roaring campfire.

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