Friday, September 6, 2024

Urke Valley

We made port in Ålesund on a very foggy morning.  It was only a short stay so we took the opportunity to take a tour of the bridge. Amazing electronics and sophisticated global positioning. All systems are redundant. 
We then moved on down the coast to Urke Valley where a small group of us opted to hike up into the mountains.  It was a hot day, for a change, and we didn’t take enough water but the mountain stream sustained us.  John and I did not make it all the way to the end of the trail but we did enjoy our stay next to the stream waiting for our group to return.  At the end of the trail we had waffles with jam and ice cold water or a beer.  A shuttle boat picked us up to return us to our ship as it couldn’t make it into this fjord since another ship was already there.

All in all it was a beautiful day for our last day of cruising.

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