Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Traveling South Along the Fjords

When we left Ny-Ålesund we cruised for two solid days in fog, rain and wind resulting in very rough seas.  We spent the time sleeping, reading, and playing cards with John and Susanna between a few walks around the deck six track.

Once back near the coast the waters calmed and the sun came out.  Now we can see all the mountains and towns that were covered in clouds on our way north.

We finally made port in Torsten on the island of Senja (prounced Sen-ya) around supper time.  After an early dinner we disembarked for a scenic bus ride to the west side of the island. Senja, meaning split land in Viking, is the second largest island in Norway.  We traveled through 3 long tunnels to get to each of three fjords.  Ersfjordstranla has a nice sandy beach great for camping and a golden toilette building, Steinfjord had mountains towering over it that were called Devil’s Teeth, and Gryllefjord was just pretty.

It was way after dark when we returned to the ship.

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