Saturday, June 15, 2024

Last Day

We all slept late!  Once we were all seated at breakfast we got the full story of why Liam ‘fell asleep’.  It was a huge, planned ruse. He pretended to sleep for the picture that was sent to the parents.  So when they walked into the room, RJ & Lisa and Erin & Bryan were very quiet and gently aroused Liam but then they could not find the other three kids.  That is until Ella giggled!  Then Vincent laughed and then Nora giggled and Liam was wide awake and laughing.  Fooled You!!

Erin, Lisa and I viewed all 115 pictures taken on Thursday. We eliminated as many as we could then we had to cut some more from 38 shots to less than 30.  We got it down to 22 photos for $330 plus one print and one canvas print.  So many great pictures it was really hard to decide. We have them all downloaded now and  we’ll get to pick the ones we want to frame and keep.

The kids had to have one last go at the water slides, we tried to play pickleball again but the court was too wet.  Ella and Nora spent some time at a kids drop off game room while the rest of us were in or near the pool.  Liam and Vincent got in one last soccer game.
Following our steak dinner at the Hunter restaurant Nora and I watched a musical dance and song production from the movie Aladdin and then the Circus Show.  It was a take off on Circe de Soleil with juggler, acrobats, a lady who flew with a silk rope, a lady on a hanging hoop and a clown doing a balancing act with a ladder.  

All head in after the show since we need to pack and be ready to go home.

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