Saturday, October 30, 2021

Let’s Try This Again

Sat. Oct 30 — Saturday morning, bright and early, we all walked over to the airport and got a PCR Covid test at a cost of $225 each..  The results were back in an hour and they printed out and stamped the results so we feel we are ready to go to Egypt and Jordan.  We even scoped out the route to the International Termainal so we know how long it takes to get there.

Four hours before our flight is to leave at 8:20 pm we are in line to get our new tickets.  Dave and Mickey are flying to Jordan for their pre-trip tour while we will be connecting on to Egypt for our pre-trip tour of Alexandria.  Dave and Mickey breeze through and get their tickets, John and I, on the other hand, cannot get on our plane because Egypt requires a RT-PCR test and nothing else will work!  I’m crying, John is frustrated and the gate agent just keeps repeating that we have to have the RT-PCR.  Finally, she points us to a private lab that can do the test quickly.  When John calls them they tell us they can send a car to pick us up, get the test and return us to the airport all in time for us to catch our flight. All for $160 each plus a $50 car ride.  

We much relief and 40 minutes to spare we are finally ready to fly to Egypt.  Our next hurdle is on Sunday.

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