Sunday, September 5, 2021

Skyline Parkway

Sunday September 5

Yesterday we loaded the bikes onto the car and drove into Duluth to ark. We then biked over the Aerial Lift Bridge and out to the end of Minnesota Point, the narrow, almost island that protects the Superior Bay.  It was a nice ride. We lunched at the park after riding thru part of the old growth pine forest at the end of the road.

Today we drove north up the North Shore Dr. then jogged over on the Seven Bridges Road to the Skyline Parkway and headed back south. The 25 mile parkway rises 700 feet above the city and offers spectacular views of Duluth, Lake Superior and the St. Louis River.

Once we got to the top of the ridge we drove thru Hawks Ridge Nature Reserve where we ran into a group of people counting migratory birds, specifically raptors.  They had seen several varieties of hawks and about a dozen eagles which the lady said were headed to Missouri!  It was fun visiting with several of the people there.

On down the parkway we came to Enger Tower. This 80 foot tower was built in 1939 as a tribute to Bert Enger, a Norwegian philanthropist who bequeathed his enormous estate to the city. 

Towards the end of our drive we came to the ski area on Spirit Mountain.  And then back to the RV..

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