Oh, my goodness! We had such a great day and night! Yesterday morning we finished looking at all the exhibits and walking through the hangers where more exhibitors are housed then we walked over to the War Birds arena. This is where the old military planes, jets, and helicopters can be viewed and where their pilots stand around sharing old war stories or flying adventures. Many of these planes fly during the afternoon air shows. I’m not sure why, but I find them to be fascinating to look at.

Fifteen some years ago when we last attended the EAA Fly-In, they did not have a night show but they did put on a spectacular display of the War Birds along with lots of pyrotechnics simulating bombing runs and strafing targets. They did that today too, which we watched from the campground while resting up for the evening show.
Last night starting at dusk they had an awesome light show with air planes doing aerobatic maneuvers while lit with colored lights all along their wings, in the cowling and on the tail. One run was a group of four airplanes with all the lights. I think the picture John got was cool.

They had a comedy show with an airplane flown by a very talented pilot who made it look like someone who had never flown before trying to land on the runway, almost hitting another plane and chasing runway personnel. Along with the radio chatter, they had the crowd in stitches. There was also a contest for bush pilots from Alaska. Six pilots tried to take off in the shortest distance and then land the shortest distance. Most took 160 - 190 feet to take off but one was in the air after only 62 feet on the runway. They stopped very quickly too and the same pilot who took off in 62 feet, landed in 72 feet from the time his wheel touched down until completely stopped.

As it got darker, two different planes and one helicopter flew their aerobatic maneuvers with fireworks shooting flames like fountains into their smoke stream. The helicopter dropped a US flag from its tail while shooting Roman Candles, bottle rockets and fountains while patriotic music is played on the loud speakers.

The evening ended with a full blown fireworks display choreographed to music. This lasted a good 30 minutes with no break. It was AWESOME!
The finale was the Wall Of Fire!! On the count of ten a huge wall of hot flames ran along the runway for over 100 yards and shot up into the air a good 100 feet! It happened so fast we didn’t get a picture but we did feel the heat and the reverberation of the explosion!
The ride on our bikes back to the RV was more walking than riding due to a crowd of 50-60 thousand people!