Friday, January 3, 2014

Galapagos Here We Come

Friday, Jan 3 - Poor John had a very rough night and day as he got some food poisoning most likely from the hamburger last night.  Imodium and Cipro are now his best friends.

Our guide picked us up at 6 am to take us to the airport.  We flew to Guayaquil then to Baltra Island in the Galapagos.  From the airport we boarded a bus to the pier then a panga (small boat) to La Pinta Motor Yacht.  We dropped our carry on bags in our room, ate lunch, took a short nap then back onto the panga (zodiac boat) for a guided walk on North Seymour Island with our naturalist, Carlos.

John stayed on the ship trying to get better.  The rest of us experienced our first encounter with the animals of the archipelagoes.  Sea lions, red crabs, land iguanas, frigate birds, sparrow tail gulls, brown pelican, blue-footed boobie birds, more sea lions, more frigate birds of all ages and crashing waves.  We were all so excited to walk right next to any one of these creatures.  I probably took way too many photos.  Here are the best:

1 comment:

Mickey Floyd said...

So sorry John was not feeling well. It sounds like the rest of the group were able to see the island while he recouperated. The pictures look fantastic. Enjoy Chile.