Friday, February 22, 2013

Just Another Day in Paradise

I haven't blogged for several days only because we haven't done anything exciting. Paradise in the Keys is: up at 7 AM, breakfast, basking in the morning warmth, visiting with friends, taking a class or two (like line dancing or crafts), lunch and a nap. We sometimes went golfing, got a hair cut or a pedicure, and rode our bikes down town for lunch or later in the day for wine. Actually, we rode our bikes into town almost every day which is a 12 -15 mile round trip ride, depending on the route we take. A couple of times we left the RV late in the day, took in the sunset and fun on Mallory Square, or had a Tapas dinner with wine or Margaritas. We found several wine bars we like, a great place on the beach for cocktails, and a fun place on the harbor walk for lunch and drinks. We tried to schedule a second snorkeling trip but the weather didn't cooperate.


Speaking of weather, it has been very warm with some high winds but as the week wore down, so did the wind and then the heat and humidity went up. Our next door neighbor has a fire pit and we have enjoyed that several evenings. We went out on the point a couple of times for evening cocktails too. We are glad we stayed another week -- actually we have never stayed in one place for three weeks but we are ready to move on soon.

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