Saturday, February 5, 2011

Seperation Anxiety?

This is the week when Pam stays in the RV in Palm Springs and John flies away to go skiing. We needed this break! So, no, there is no anxiety!

John flew out to Sun Valley Idaho on Thursday morning. (We'll tell you about that trip when he gets back.) Pam is staying in the same park as some dear friends and she is very busy! She goes hiking or walking every morning. She and her friend have shopped at a huge golf store, a wig shop, at an outlet mall and at two different street fairs. Of course there is golfing -- twice so far. There are so many dinning establishments in the area that she is eating out a lot! Maybe they'll even go to a female impersonator show one evening. The weather has been chilly until today when it will reach 80! Yeah!


Unknown said...

"female impersonator show"? Do you mean a drag queen show?!!!

DHS Class of 65 said...

Wig shop???

Is John going to be part of the show when he returns??

Pam said...

A friend is getting the wig but fun trying them on. We decided to skip the female impersonator show. They are not doing Judy Garland which is what we wanted to see.