Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quartzsite, AZ


This place is crazy! There are so many people and they are all old like us (mostly older!) and they all drive RV's. We rode our bikes past all the vendors, crossed over I-10 and then thru town before coming back. The gas stations are lined up, the grocery stores have long lines, the Post Office is crazy, and all the RV dealers have "The Sale of the Century!" Oh, yeah, don't forget The Yacht Club Bar and Grill! (no boats!?)

The big white 'mid-way' tent is full of vendors and thousands of people. We poked along at a crawl checking out the booths but not really stopping at any of them. Our friends who have been to the Missouri State Fair will know the feeling. We had a terrible fried lunch and then visited the vendors not under the tent and there are even more of them. There are gems, dresses, tools, kitchen gadgets, geodes, carvings, discounted stuff, leather purses, gadgets, goo-gaws and junk! And that is only along one aisle! There must be 200-300 booths, tents and backs of cars. The guy who fixed our window shade was working out of his pickup truck.

Thankfully the weather is fair -- starts out at about 40 warms up to 70 and then by supper its 60 and cooling fast. We bought some wood and have built a fire every night. It is beautiful. We moved to a different site so don't have all the traffic. Our neighbors down the road are hippies singing songs and playing the bongos. The sky is full of stars, more than you have ever seen. Cocktails at 5 to watch the sun set around 6 and then supper by the firelight. Aaahhh.


DHS Class of 65 said...

Did you see the naked bookseller at his store?

Dave said...

Just caught up on your blog. Sounds like you both are doing a lot of fun things. I'm anxious to hear about the bookseller! Also glad that you haven't been playing golf everyday. That way I'll be able to keep up with you in Phoenix. Mickey