Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Catching Up

Jan 10-11 -- Sat/Sun -- We drove to Springfield to visit John's sister and then on to Norman to stay with our grandson (and his mom and dad). Sunday we took Luca to the park and then to a Natural History museum where there were dinosaur bones-- he loved it!

Monday (Jan 12) -- Drove to Dallas with a short stop at Camping World to shop. Had dinner with college friends whom we hadn't seen in 20+ years.

Tuesday (Jan 13) -- Cold weather is following us -- it was 28º when we got up. Drove to San Antonio with another stop at a Camping World to get a leveler fixed (minor repair) and some more shopping. We had dinner with friends.

Wednesday (Jan 14) -- Okay, what is going on with this weather??? They had freeze warnings out for this morning! When will it ever get HOT!?! We are headed to Corpus Christi today so we can play on the beach -- hope it warms up!

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